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Setting up TechDocs for Workflows

How to add the documentation setup to your Workflows

The purpose of this how-to guide is to walk you through how to add the required configuration and some default markdown files to your new Workflows. You can use the react-ssr-workflow as a reference when walking through the steps.


  • An existing software template including a workflow.yaml together with a skeleton folder including at least a catalog-info.yaml.
  1. Update your component's entity description by adding the following lines to the catalog-info.yaml in your skeleton folder.
annotations: dir:.

The annotation is used by TechDocs to download the documentation source files for generating an entity's TechDocs site.

  1. Create a mkdocs.yml file in the root of your skeleton folder with the following content:
site_name: ${{values.component_id}}
site_description: ${{values.description}}

- Introduction:

- techdocs-core
  1. Create a /docs folder in the skeleton folder with at least a file in it.

The docs/ can for example have the following content:

# ${{ values.component_id }}

${{ values.description }}

## Getting started

Start writing your documentation by adding more markdown (.md) files to this
folder (/docs) or replace the content in this file.

The values of site_name, component_id and site_description depends on how you have configured your Workflow definition YAML.

Done! You now have support for TechDocs in your own Workflows!